Neuromuscular junction A NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION is an area of contact between a muscle fibre and a neuron . Fig. An elect...


July 20, 2019 1 Comments

Neuromuscular junction

A NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION is an area of contact between a muscle fibre and a neuron.
Fig. An electron micrographic sketch of the junction between a single axon terminal and the muscle fiber membrane.

It is the specialized portion of a muscle fibre immediately under a terminal nerve fibre. The nerve fibre invaginates a muscle fibre but lies outside the muscle fibre plasma membrane. The entire structure is called the motor end-plate.

A neuromuscular junction thus consists of:
      Presynaptic terminal (Nerve fibre) with vesicles containing the NT
      A synaptic cleft (20-30 nm wide)
      A synaptic trough or gutter (Muscle fibre) which has numerous folds called subneural clefts.
      Neuroreceptors for the NT.
      The NT at an NMJ is 
 ACETYLCHOLINE (Ach). TheThe presynaptic membrane of the neuron contains linear dense bars. To each side of the dense bars are protein particles penetrating the neural membrane. These are the voltage-gated calcium channels.
      When an action potential spreads over the terminal, these channels open and allow calcium ions to diffuse from the synaptic space to the interior of the nerve terminal.
      The vesicles then fuse with the neural membrane and empty their acetylcholine into the synaptic space by the process of exocytosis.   
     Each Ach receptor complex has a total molecular weight of 275,000.
    Each receptor complex is composed of 5 subunits:
      - 2 alpha
      - 1 beta
      - 1 gamma
      - 1 delta.
    The channels remains closed unless 2 Ach molecules attach to the 2 alpha subunits which open the gate.
    The opened acetylcholine channel has a diameter of about 0.65 nanometer, which is large enough to allow the important positive ions— Na+, K+ and Ca++ —to move easily through the opening.

The Steps in Neuromuscular Junction
1.                      An AP reaches the presynaptic terminal of the NMJ.
2.                      The change in voltage causes the opening of the voltage-gated calcium channels which cause exocytosis of the Ach containing secretory vesicles.
3.                      The NT Ach is secreted into the synaptic cleft.
4.                      Ach crosses the synaptic cleft to reach the subneural clefts which contains the Ligand-gated Ach channel.
5.                      The channels are activated and open allowing the Na+ to move to the inside of the muscle fiber. As long as the Ach is present in the synaptic cleft, it keeps activating the Ach channels which remain open.
6.                      The influx of Na+ into the muscle lead to the initiation of the END PLATE POTENTIAL (EPP).

      At the motor end-plate, the large influx of the Sodium ions leads to a large number of positive charges pouring into the muscle.
      This creates a local positive potential change inside the muscle fiber membrane, called the end plate potential. It is usually about 50-75 mv.
      In turn, this end plate potential initiates an action potential that spreads along the muscle membrane and thus causes muscle contraction.

Acetylcholine Receptor:
    Each Ach receptor complex has a total molecular weight of 275,000.
    Each receptor complex is composed of 5 subunits:
      - 2 alpha
      - 1 beta
      - 1 gamma
      - 1 delta.
    The channels remains closed unless 2 Ach molecules attach to the 2 alpha subunits which open the gate.
    The opened acetylcholine channel has a diameter of about 0.65 nanometer, which is large enough to allow the important positive ions— Na+, K+ and Ca++ —to move easily through the opening.